Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January Small Goals: 2016

Photo by Chelsea Laine Francis

Did you think I'd forget about my small goals for the month?! No way! I know it's a bit late but I'm definitely going to continue to do these. A lot of people have been asking me what my resolutions and goals for the year are and honestly I don't really do that kind of goal setting anymore. But, if I had to sum up my goals for the year they'd probably involve my theme to "flourish" which I talked about in my blog post on Monday. Things like growing my business, growing my blog and another thing I'd like to focus on this year is leading a more healthy lifestyle. Anyway, small monthly goals are way more my jam, so let's jump on in and see how I did last month!

1) Solidify two events for Pieceology Vintage in January.
Nope. I only have one coming up this month but I do have a few others in the works for the upcoming months. It's been a challenge deciding want kinds of events I'd like to participate in but, trust me, I'm working on it.
2) Make time for Christmas shopping. 
Yep. I shopped small, local AND smart! Go me! I purchased gifts from Noonday Collection, Denik, Mitscoots, The Paper + Craft Pantry and The Gypsy Fawn.
3) Open a business bank account for the shop.
Sadly, no. Of course, it's ended up being more complicated than I thought it would be. I should be able to finish filing all the necessary paperwork soon and have the account set up by the end of this month.
 4) Start running again.
Done! I've been running once a week and I plan to up that to twice a week this month. I even signed up for my 5k which will be at the end of February!
5) Think about where I want to take this blog in the new year. 
I did think about this. A LOT. I've decided to stick with the blog in 2016. It's going to start with getting back to creating an editorial calendar each month. Here are some things you can expect to see a lot more of on the blog this year: DIYs, thrifting/vintage hunting tips, collaborations with other bloggers and cool brands, and lots more outfit posts. I'm even thinking of doing a site redesign...

Three out of five. Same as last month. The holidays definitely threw me off with the ones I missed. I ended up taking a lot of time to relax during the Christmas/New Year break and honestly, I needed it. But, it's January and vacation time is over so I'm ready to dive back in! Let's see what I've decided to tackle during this first month of 2016.

Read a frekkin' book.
OK, I know I said I wasn't going to do book goals anymore but I really, really want to read a book this month. I got the hardcover of Big Magic as a Christmas gift so I'll probably go for that one. Plus, I've heard it's one of those 'can't put it down' types so I'm hopeful.

Become a better photographer.
So, I'm taking a photography class for six weeks starting next Monday, but my actual goal here is to really take what I learn from the class and use it. I plan on taking my DSLR pretty much everywhere with me in January. I hope to see at least a small improvement in my work by the end of the month.

Set up an efficient system for maintaining the Pieceology Vintage site.
 Now that the web shop is live I need to sit down and come up with a solid system for keeping it as up to date as possible. When an item sells I need to have another, photographed on a model and on it's own, already on deck to replace it. Easier said than done...

Learn some sewing basics.
Now that Pieceology Vintage is officially in business I'm learning I need a lot of skills I don't necessarily have. Photography being one of them, but also sewing! I find a lot of really great pieces with missing buttons, ripped seams, frayed hems, etc. that I don't want to pass up just because I don't know how to sew.
Put together a workout schedule.
Last year, although it wasn't a priority, I didn't workout much at all. This year I want to change that. I think putting together a schedule for doing my workouts on certain days may help. I've already incorporated running but I need to also add a yoga class or two into my week.

Alright, let's do this January! And don't forget to link up with us over on Nicole's blog if you want to share your monthly goals as well.

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