Friday, May 24, 2013

Skinny Limits 3 Day Juice Cleanse: Day 2 Recap

Those damn olives... I'll get to them in a minute.

Wake up... crap it's only day 2. I have to pee. I go get my first drink. I don't hate it.

I have to pee again. Still not feeling hungry!! But on impulse almost get up to go look for something
to eat in the kitchen. Damn, never mind.

Juice 2 goes down pretty easy. I think I'm getting used to this stuff. Score! And no headache at all.

The daytime was pretty easy on day 2. I felt energized, never sleepy. But lets fast forward to that night when I decided it was a good idea to go out to dinner for a friend's birthday at a restaurant I've been wanting to eat at for a long time... Is there any greater form of torture?!?!! Words of advice- DON'T DO THIS. Do as I say, not as I do, right?

Now, about those olives... I sat at the table, drank water and just stared at that beautiful bowl of olives (I freakin' love olives). Lemme tell ya, when all you've ingested in your body for 2 days is liquids, french fries, steak, scallops, cheese, all that stuff, looks like the greatest looking food you'll ever see. But, I resisted. Not gonna lie, I almost grabbed for those olives (again, on impulse) a few times!

Just had to keep thinking about the Crescent Moon drink for when I got home. It really is so good.

Day 2 Summary:
Didn't really feel too different at the beginning of the day, but as time went on I felt like I had more energy, my mood was great and I felt "skinny." I also drank my juices faster this day. I got used to the taste (which, honestly they taste pretty good) and to drinking that much liquid, so that was a plus. Got a few compliments at dinner on my mood. I thought I'd be all grumpy cat on everyone, but I was a happy as can be. On to day 3! Stay tuned to see how my final day went down.

See my recap of day 1 here.

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